Tent Pegging​

South Africa
There's nothing more icy than the sound of a ring as it flies off the tip of your lance, or becoming the president of the 9 down club and don't forget, don't push your lemons. If you don't know what these quirky statements means, dare to complete one competition and you'll know exactly what we are talking about ;)

(Seniors and Juniors)
Must consist of at least 2 layers of corrugated cardboard glued together to a thickness of 25mm with corrugations running vertically. Strips of paper must be glued around the sides of the peg to finish it off. Pegs must be 300mm long, 75mm wide, and the bottom 75mm of the peg must form a point. The usual peg will be used sideways (25mm) for ties and finals. All pegs must be white and of a standard size and shape. Used sword pegs may be used in ties and finals. Pegs must be put in the ground at the same depth (at least 12cm of the peg must be below ground level) and at an angle of 60º for a specific item. Used sword pegs may be re-used for lance events at the SA Championships if permission is granted by the Annual General Meeting and if pegs are repaired according to specifications.
If the peg is carried for 10m or more, the competitor will receive six points. Four points are scored for a draw (peg out of ground); two points for a strike (peg remains in ground but was struck on face). The distance for a carry must be measured with a tape measure along the line of the track. Score only awarded if peg struck on face. A coincidental mark on the peg will not be considered a strike or draw. A peg that breaks vertically or horizontally will be regarded as a faulty peg and six points for a carry will be awarded.

(Junior and Seniors)
The dummy will consist of a bag filled with straw, suspended from a gallows on a firm base. Dummy must be able to swivel away from the rider on impact of the sword.
A ring made of 6mm wire with 7cm wire on the sides to fasten the elastic and with small pins at the back to keep it in position, will be placed over the round red heart, 80mm in diameter, pasted on white paper background of 150mm x 150mm. It must be placed in the centre of the dummy with the middle of the heart 1,500m above ground. If the ring shoots forward off the lance after a successful carry and before the next object, six points will be awarded for a carry.
Six points when the sword is inside the ring, 3 for piercing the dummy elsewhere. The sword point must be inside the ring for six points to be awarded, the red background is only to draw attention to the mark. If the sword does not stay in the heart, the mark in/outside the ring will determine points scored.
Rings (Junior and Seniors)
Must have an inside diameter of 50mm, made of a light aluminium, painted white. Lime may not be used for colouring rings.
Gallows (Seniors)
Height of upright from ground to cross-bar 2,600m. Cross-bar to extend at least 1m from upright. Metal hangers with swivel to hang down from cross-bar with a clip to take a ring or a hook to take string through lemon. Height from ground to top of ring or lemon 2,200m. Upright must have a firm base.
Gallows (Juniors)
Same as for seniors, but height from ground to top of ring 2,100m
Lemons or oranges must be of uniform size, not smaller than the inside diameter of the rings. Regardless of whether the orange is sliced or not, the orange must be handed to the judge and a new orange hung. The orange will be marked with the rider’s number and placed in a cardboard box in the safe-keeping of the alternate judge. Six points for each lemon sliced. (A coincidental nick is not a slice).
Gallows (Seniors)
Height of upright from ground to cross-bar 2,600m. Cross-bar to extend at least 1m from upright. Metal hangers with swivel to hang down from cross-bar with a clip to take a ring or a hook to take string through lemon. Height from ground to top of ring or lemon 2,200m. Upright must have a firm base.
Gallows (Juniors)
Same as for seniors, but height from ground to top of ring 2,100m

An upright 2,130m with a balloon holder 1,500m above ground level must be placed on the right-hand side of the first jump and on the left-hand side of the second jump. At both jumps, on the opposite side of the balloon holder upright, an upright of 2,130m must be placed as well. Balloons must be of uniform size.
Same as for seniors but balloons are on the same side, right for right-handed riders and left for left-handed riders.
The brush jump (Seniors and Juniors)
2,500m wide and 600mm high with 150mm brush above cross-bar. A firm base cross-piece must be provided, protruding 100mm on either side of the jump. Total length of base may not be longer than 300mm. Jumps must be between 3m and 5m from the side of the track.
Balloons - three points if the balloon is shot (senior) or pricked (senior or junior) and burst. If balloon is blown out of holder before the rider reaches it, full points will be awarded. If the balloon does not burst immediately but deflates from visible powder holes before the rider reaches the next object, three points will be awarded for the balloon.